Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Welcoming Myself to Blogging

Hello world!

Today I have made the executive decision to start a blog. I have been looking for a little activity to do on the side, and I see this as a great fit with me.

Why is that? No, I am not a lit major nor do I have any special writing skills. What I really want out of this is a way to share my experiences and give myself the chance to look back at them in the future.

This blog is primarily going to focus on food. I have been wanting to try out new things and to cook outside of my comfort zone. I believe this will give me the incentive and the motivation to do so!

I use to be the world's pickiest eater, but every day I have been broadening my horizons in many aspects of my life, include my culinary ways. I once refused even smelling fish, and today raw fish is at the top of my list.

I hope someone enjoys this journey with me, and hopefully I will be able to teach someone a little something when it comes to food.

To new beginnings and challenges,




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