Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Everyday Smoothie

Yes, I am that type of person. The one that refuses to eat breakfast in the morning.  The thought of actually chewing food an hour after I've woken up is disgusting to me and completely turns me off. But I do realize that having nothing in the belly in the morning does not lead to a productive and healthy day.

To solve my issue, I have been making smoothies as my breakfast meal for many years. I use to be so creative, and made different smoothies every morning. I have come to a point where I figured out the exact mix of fruits that I love, and I have been sticking to it. When I run out of an ingredient I use some creativity and use something different, tweaking it up a little (like I did today with the mango instead of the pineapple).

Here are the ingredients I use:
  • 1 banana (if you don't like that strong banana taste, use half)
  • 1 kiwi
  • A handful of frozen raspberries
  • A few pieces of pineapple (I ran out and substituted with mango)
  • About half a cup of milk
  • Half a tea spoon and green tea matcha (mine is from David's Tea)

Sometimes I will substitute some of the milk for cold water. If you want a sweeter "Jugo Juice" style smoothie, I suggest adding some orange juice, but I don't like mine too sweet!

I also like to add spinach when I have some on hand. You can easily add a handful of spinach without the taste of the smoothie changing at all, and you'll get all that nutritiousness into your breakfast. 

The green tea matcha might look a little scary, but this too does not really affect the taste of the smoothie itself. I've recommended it to friends who hate the taste of tea, and they use it in their smoothies as well. As you probably know, green tea as a lot of nutritional values; well matcha basically has 10x more! It's a cancer-fighter, a metabolism and energy booster, and so much more!

I throw it all in the blender, and there you go: an easy and healthy smoothie is ready! I definitely live by this recipe. It brightens my mornings and is my perfect breakfast. :)



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