Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kimbob Cafe - Dorval

A friend had been recommended to visit Kimbob Cafe, and so we finally did! I had never tried a proper Korean restaurant before other than Korean BBQ. I was excited to finally try out their cuisine as Asian foods are definitely my weakness.

The place has a very homie feel, as it is relatively small and personal. It's a bring your own wine, which no one could ever complain about that! 

Being the first time my friend and I were eating Korean food, we had no clue what we should order. The waiter was absolutely sweet and helpful, he practically went through the entire menu for us and loved answering our questions.

After some long and hard decisions, this is what we ordered:

Sir Andre

We shared an entrĂ©e of "Sir Andre" which is basically a crunchy shell with tuna, cranberries, corn, pineapple and onion all mixed together. When I first saw this item, I thought: well that's a lot of random things mixed together.. But trust me, this mix is GOLDEN. 

Each flavour complements each other so well that its hard to identify exactly what you are eating when you bite into it. The tuna wasn't fishy, the cranberries and pineapple provided the perfect balance of sweetness. The Sir Andre was definitely a hit!

Chicken Dumplings

Next, we ordered chicken dumplings. We definitely enjoyed the dumplings, but I am not going to say that they are unique to the restaurant. They were your typical deep fried dumplings (not in a bad way!).


Next my main meal: the Bibimbob. Picking a main course was by far the hardest step because so many plates looked so appetizing. At the end of the day, I picked the Bibimbob because it had a mix of chicken and beefs and I truly couldn't make up my mind over which I should pick.

The plate consisted of a base of rice, a layer of salad with some veggies (carrots, cucumbers & peppers), some fried chicken (katsu style) and tender slices of beef. The all was covered with a little dribble of hot sauce. 

This plate was the highlight of my entire experience at Kimbob Cafe. I did not expect to be amazed by such a plate, but the mixture of everything was beyond amazing. 

If you can't handle hot sauce, you should ask for this plate without it, but I on the other hand love it and added a tad more! 

Fried Vanilla Ice Cream

Last but not least comes dessert. We had been told that we HAD to try the fried ice cream so although I never get dessert I had to, right? My friend and I shared the dessert, and it was definitely the perfect ending to our meal. 

We had a choice between vanilla or green tea ice cream, and we played safe and picked vanilla. The fried layer was perfectly sweet and salty, and was not too thick. This could easily be shared between 4 people as well.

So how did I like Kimbob Cafe? I loved it, and I will definitely be returning in the near future. The prices were affordable and the dishes were delicious!




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