Friday, July 11, 2014

Zucchini Turkey Ravioli

Let me start by saying that I have in no way created this recipe, and my blog is not about my cooking creations as I am not even near that level of cooking expertise. 

These Zucchini Turkey Ravioli come from a wonderful blog called Las Vegas Food Photograph Cindy Larkin. More specifically, I found this recipe on Pinterest, where I find most of my recipes nowadays!

I tweaked the ingredient amounts a little because I was only feeding two. But even with my reductions I could have easily fed 3 or even 4!

Here are the ingredients I used:
  • 1.0 lbs. ground turkey
  • 1.5 cups of spinach
  • 2 small zucchinis
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. Montreal Chicken Seasoning
  • Tomato and onion marinara sauce

The first thing I did was chop my spinach, onion, and garlic in a food processor. Once that was done, I combined this mixture with the ground turkey and the Montreal Chicken Seasoning on a medium heated pan.

While the turkey was slowly cooking on the stove, I started to cut my zucchini. Thankfully for me, I got a mandoline as a present a couple years ago. If you don't have a mandoline, you can still do it! You can use an apple/potato peeler or go back to the traditional knife and cutting board, but be careful with the fingers!

As I was slicing my zucchini, I made sure to regularly mix up my turkey blend!

That mix alone looked appetizing! Yum yum yum!

Now the fun was just about to begin! I arranged my zucchinis as above. I put two slices perpendicular to one slice. The only reason I did it this way is because I thought 4 slices of zucchini might be too many, but 2 slices wouldn't be enough. Go with what you think your taste buds would enjoy!

Once I placed the turkey mixture in the middle, it was all about carefully folding the ravioli in order to secure everything inside. Then, I placed these upside down in an oven safe pan so that they wouldn't bust open.

With the amount of ingredients I used, I was able to make 10 of these raviolis. I found 3 raviolis per person was the perfect amount, unless you have some very hungry bears on hand!

The final step was covering the dish with the Marinara sauce and cooking it. I cooked it at 350° F for 30 minutes. My oven always cooks faster than a regular oven, so in the future I would cook this for a maximum of 25 minutes.

How did I enjoy the dish? It was actually pretty dam good! I'd never tried the whole zucchini instead of pasta thing before, but now I know why it's so popular. 

If you're looking for a yummy and healthy alternative to wheat and pasta, I definitely recommend this Zucchini Turkey Ravioli!!



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