Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Egg & Caramelized Onion Sandwich

Today I decided to get a little creative and create my own signature sandwich. To be honest, I kind of threw what I had in the fridge into a sandwich. The good news is it turned out tasting pretty amazing! Here is my own unexpected creation: the egg & caramelized onion sandwich.

I didn't actually expect for this to become a recipe, so I didn't take a step by step picture tutorial, but it is pretty simple to explain.

Here are the ingredients:
- 2 slices of bread
- 1 or 2 eggs (to taste)
- 1/4 of an onion
- White cheddar cheese
- Mayonnaise
- Sriracha
- Canola oil
- Salt & pepper

The only cooking truly required for this sandwich is the onions. For them to be perfectly caramelized you want to slowly cook them on low heat in oil. When you notice they are getting brown, that's when you know the onions are ready!

Boil your eggs to your liking. I personally like the yolk to be a little under cooked, so I boil them for about 10 minutes and insert them into ice cold water immediately to stop them from cooking further. Once they have cooled, slide them up and salt & pepper them to taste.

I made my own spicy mayo, in which I simply mix equal parts of mayonnaise and sriracha.

You are now ready to put the sandwich together! Pile up those ingredients! I love toasted bread, so I cooked my slices "grilled cheese style". Its all up to you how you like your sandwich, but just imagine that yummy melted cheddar!

Next time I might even try adding a couple slices of bacon. Bacon makes everything better right?



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