Friday, August 29, 2014

Red Pepper Baked Brie

I blame my lack of food blogging during the last couple of weeks on my slightly upset stomach, but don't you worry because I am back and better than ever!

This time I have a delicious appetizer that is way too simple to make to be that delightful! The reason why I love it so much might be because Brie is my favourite cheese after Le Fromage St-Fidele (if your are ever in the Charlevoix region, PLEASE hunt some down).

There's a little back story to this recipe. One of my good friends is on the verge of giving birth and I won this Rootham Tangy Red Pepper Jelly at her baby shower. Apparently I was the only person who never tried it before, and as soon as someone recommended that I try it with brie I couldn't have been happier about winning it.

Here are the ingredients:
- Brie
- Rootham Tangy Red Pepper Jelly
- Baguette

I cut off the top crust of the brie. The rest of the crust will serve as a bowl for the cheese so that it doesn't melt away into a puddle

Slice up that baguette!

Spread that jelly on top of that Brie. You don't need to use this particular brand or flavour. Brie is delicious with practically any jelly or jam. One of my favourites is the mixture of apricot jam with Brie!

Be sure to put your Brie in a pan with a tall border in case things get messy and cheesy. Put the oven at 350 ° F and let the magic happen for 15 minutes. Halfway through, add your baguette to the oven if you want it crispy.

And there you have it! A succulent baked brie, all done in less than 20 minutes with such minimal effort! Don't deny that you are dying to try this at your next event ;)



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